
Health News:
6 Signs Of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a common health issue that puts your life under many health risks. People may suffer from high blood pressure for years without showing any signs of it. Blood pressure is the force applied on the arterial walls during blood flow. So, when a person is said to have high blood pressure, it means that the arterial walls are receiving too much of pressure repeatedly due to the pumping of blood by the heart.

The normal blood pressure is 120/80mmHg. You can be diagnosed for high blood pressure when it is above 140/90mmHg. But, this may vary depending on the age and physiological conditions. Blood pressure should be monitored on a regular basis for any adult above the age of 30.

There are also various factors that affect blood pressure. Those conditions are age, family history, obesity, physical activity, smoking and alcohol intake. If the condition is left untreated for a long period, it can lead to various other serious problems such as kidney failure, heart problems and stroke.

 If you are at a risk of hypertension or high blood pressure, it is important to keep in mind the signs of high blood pressure. This will help you in seeking medical assistance at the earliest.

 When you have blood pressure above 180/110mmHg, headache can be a prominent symptom. But, headaches are not generally found in case of mild increase in the blood pressure. Headaches are commonly associated with malignant hypertension, a more serious condition.

Nose Bleeding
 Bleeding from the nose is a sign of high blood pressure only during the initial stage. If you have high blood pressure and experience a sudden onset of nose bleeding that is heavy or hard to stop, it is better to consult your doctor and get your blood pressure checked.

 Blood Spots In The Eye
There are chances that blood spots or subconjunctival hemorrhages could be signs of high blood pressure or diabetes. This can be cleared out by an ophthalmologist after checking for any defect in the optical nerve. If not related to the eye, blood pressure needs to be ruled out.

Numbness in the extremities
Numbness or tingling in the extremities can be an early sign of a stroke due to increased blood pressure. Constant uncontrolled hypertension will result in nerve damages, which is the major reason for this symptom.

 Nausea and Vomiting
Another sign of high blood pressure is vomiting and nausea. Since vomiting is related to many other reasons, it is better to look for other associated symptoms such as blurred vision or shortness of breath along with it.


 Dizziness presents two symptoms, lightheadedness and vertigo. This should not be ignored, especially when seen suddenly. Faintness, along with loss of balance and trouble in walking can be signs of stroke.

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